Supplier Sustainability Guideline

Supplier Sustainability Guideline

Supplier Sustainability Guideline

At HEXPOL, we strive to balance social and environmental issues with price and quality when purchasing goods and services. The Supplier Sustainability Guideline is implemented globally and articulates what we mean by responsible sourcing. The Guideline summarizes our expectations to our suppliers on responsible business conduct within human rights, labor, health & safety, environment and anti-corruption. The objective of the Guideline is to provide suppliers with requirements that are transparent and easily understood.

The HEXPOL Supplier Sustainability Guideline is available in English (pdf): Supplier Sustainability Guideline.

How to comply with the Guideline

The Guideline applies to any and all suppliers, consultants, vendors, brokers, merchants, dealers, contractors, agents, and other providers of other goods and services, to HEXPOL worldwide. We expect that your company will establish and maintain appropriate management systems and controls to ensure that the company aligns with the principles set forth in the Guideline.

The application and implementation of the Supplier Sustainability Guideline should be seen as a three-step process where unnecessary administrative work for us, and the Supplier, should be avoided. As a Supplier you may be asked to participate in one, two or three of the steps:

  1. Read and accept the Guideline. As a part of the Purchasing T&C, Suppliers will be informed about the Supplier Sustainability Guideline. We expect the Supplier to read and accept the Guideline. For Suppliers, where HEXPOL has not identified any material sustainability risks, there will be no further actions or requirements.
  2. Supplier Sustainability Self-Declaration. Suppliers that meet certain criteria (see the Supplier Sustainability Guideline at link above) may be asked by HEXPOL to respond to the Sustainability Self-Declaration. As a selected supplier you will be asked to fill out the questionnaire online. 
  3. Audits. Where relevant we will conduct audits to further assess sustainability risks and compliance with the Supplier Sustainability Guideline. Audits may be a part of a Quality Audit or a separate Sustainability Audit.

Non-compliance with the Guideline

Based on Self-Declaration, audits, and other information, HEXPOL will conclude if the supplier has systems in place to ensure that the principles set out in this Guideline are met. Failure to do so may impact the future opportunity of a supplier to do business with us.

Our Sustainability contact

andreas ahrens

Andreas Rangel Ahrens

Sustainability Director

Ali Wolf

Director of Sustainability

HEXPOL Compounding Americas