PEFC Certificate for HEXPOL Lesina’s Natural Rubber Compounds

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PEFC Certificate for HEXPOL Lesina's Natural Rubber Compounds

PEFC is a Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification and the world’s largest forest certification organization.

HEXPOL Compounding Lesina S.R.O received a certificate which proved the conformity of the chain of custody requirements of PEFC ST 2001:2020 and 2002:2020 for natural rubber compounds.

Besides synthetic rubber, which is made from petrochemicals, HEXPOL uses natural rubber for several compound solutions.

Natural rubber is made from the latex sap of rubber trees, which derive from about 14 million hectares of plantations around the world, mainly run by smallholders in economically developing regions. Managing rubber plantations sustainably means fewer negative environmental and social impacts from the production of natural rubber and rubberwood.

PEFC certification is available to all companies that manufacture, process, trade or sell natural rubber and rubber wood products.

HEXPOL Compounding Lesina is now part of this supply chain and can provide PEFC-certified natural rubber compounds to all interested customers.

The current demand for natural rubber compounds, which are 100% based on PEFC-sourced natural rubber, is still small, but expected to grow in parallel with the industry’s increasing interest in more sustainable solutions.

Norbert Niemand, managing director of Lesina says: “Forests play a critical role for the global environment- especially in times of climate change. The certification of our plant shows our commitment towards a more sustainable value chain of natural rubber compounds and our intention to act responsibly.”

About HEXPOL Compounding

HEXPOL Rubber Compounding produces a wide range of natural and synthetic rubber compounds to meet the exact requirements of its customers, across a broad range of industries. The largest end-customer segments are the automotive and engineering industries, followed by the building and construction sector. Other important customer segments are the transportation sector, the energy sector, the consumer sector and the cable and wire industry. HEXPOL Rubber Compounding is part of the HEXPOL Group, headquartered in Malmö, Sweden. The Group has approximately 5000 employees in fourteen countries.

HEXPOL Rubber Compounding – HEXPOL Silicone & Rubber Compounding


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