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GRIPS 2021

Global Research and Innovation in Plastics Sustainability (GRIPS) 2021 is a conference, exhibition and showcase that will be held online from 16th – 18th March 2021. It is hosted by the UK Circular Plastics Network, organised by KTN and supported by Innovate UK, EPSRC and UKRI.

The three-day event, which is expected to bring together over 1,000 delegates from across all industries, will also feature 50 innovation and research-driven exhibitors on a virtual show floor. Attendees can learn about initiatives and developments striving to make plastics less likely to reach landfills, end up incinerated, or become fugitive in the environment.  

HEXPOL TPE will join with a virtual booth and Kirsty Wood, Development Technologist & Sustainability Lead has been invited to speak. You can catch her talk ‘How do TPEs fit into a Circular Economy’ on Thursday 17 March 15:30 to 16:30 GMT.

Registration is free, we hope to e-Meet you there!


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